How To Correctly Order Your Smart Dna Kit

Dear Friend,

We amended the SmartDNA instructions to make them clearer and placed
all the relevant information you would need for it.

If you do have questions or concerns, please let us know. We are glad to assist you.

Here are the details for getting the DNA testing.


Go to

Step 1 and 2

Step 1. Click on “Products”

Step 2. Select “Advance Pathways Test”

Advance Pathways Test

Step 3. Please do not tick “DO NOT report my APOE  genotype”. Leave it blank. We want to know about APOE.

Step 4. Tick “No”, you are not using an existing kit unless you have already been given one.

Step 5 , 6

Step 5. Check the 3 boxes to be able to continue.

Step 6. Add to cart.

Step 7

7. View Cart.

Step 8

8. Proceed to Checkout and Change to your Billing Details and your email.

My details:
Practitioner name
Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani
Practitioner phone number: 96828866
Practitioner email –

Click you understand a copy of your results will be sent to your practitioner

9. Submit and complete your order.

I hope these instructions help.

Again, If you have other questions or concerns, please let us know at
We are glad to assist you.

Kind regards,

Well Adjusted Team

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